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World War I Titles - pg. 8

JAGDSTAFFEL 2 'BOELCKE' VanWyngarden, Greg, Osprey Elite #26, new, soft cover, see photo, combat histories, fighter & bomber units, photos, color profiles, see examples, 128 pgs. $15.00
JEAN NAVARRE - FRANCE'S SENTINEL OF VERDUN and the FIRST FRENCH FIGHTER PILOTS Wilberg, Jim, Aeronaut, 2010, new, soft cover, see photo, biography of Jean Navarre, first French ace, 12 biographies of Pegoud, Garros, 133 period photos & drawings, example of color plates, 16 color profiles of aircraft, 7 with plan views, 5 paintings of early air combat, 100 pgs. $24.95
KING OF AIR FIGHTERS, Jones, Ira, Casemate. 2009, new (repring of original), see photo, biography of Major Mick Mannock, England's leading WWI fighter pilot with 73 victories; developed formation tactics; flew in the Nos. 40 & 74 Squadrons before he became the Commander of No. 85; killed in action in July 1918, photos, 338 pgs. <$10.00
KNIGHT OF GERMANY-OSWALD BOELCKE, Werner, Johannes, Casemate, 2009, hardback reprint with dust jacket, see photo, bio of the youngest Captain in the German army, maps & photos, 277 pgs. $17.00
KNIGHTS OF THE AIR, Bashow, David Lt. Col., McArthur & Co., 2000, f/f as new, see photo, Canadian fighter pilots, color paintings by Stepehen Quick, 210 pgs. $15.00
LAYAYETTE ESCADRILLE, THE, Mason, Herebert, Random House, 1964, f/f, see scan, The rosters, combat records, victory lists & history of the Lafayette, many photoss, 340 pgs. $25.00
LETTERS FROM A WORLD WAR I AVIATOR, Rowe, Josiah, Sinclaire Press, 1986, f/f , see photo, trained at Foggia and then saw active duty on the Western Front with the famous First Pursuit Group.", day to day account, 151 pgs + photo section, $12.00
LT.COL. WILLIAM BARKER, CANADA'S ALL-AROUND ACE, Musciano, Walter, Hobby Helpers, 1964, vg, soft cover, spiral bound, see photo, served in RFC & RAF as observer, observation pilot & fighter pilot,50 victories, awarded the Victoria Cross, photographic history with drawings of his aircraft, 56 pgs. $12.50

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