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World War I Titles - pg. 14

WAR BIRD ACE , Ballard, Jack Stokes, Texas A & M, 2007, new, see photo, Signed by author, Capt. Field Kindley flew a Camel with 148th Aero Squadron. He achieved 12 aerial victories which tied him with Elliott White Springs. Kindley was killed on a flying accident, 1920, at Kelly Field, photos, drawings, 208 pgs. $18.50
WAR IN THE AIR 1914-1918, Woodhouse & Embleton, Alnark, 1974, VG (soft cover). see scan, The development of aircraft as weapons. Some of the aces, the aircraft & the progress of the air war are covered, color profiles & markings,see scan, photos, 95 pages $6.50
WAR LETTERS OF EDMOND GENET, Channing, Grace Ellery (editor), Charles Scribner's Sons, 1918, vg, see photo, first American aviator killed flying the stars and stripes, photos, 330 pgs. $55.00
WARRIORS WITH WINGS, Jablonski, Edward, Bobbs-Merrill, 1966, vg/vg, see scan, Escadrille Americaine was formed by 7 American volunteer & later known as the LaFayette Escadrille, photos, 207 pgs. $16.00
WHO DOWNED THE ACES IN WW I?, Franks, Norman, Grub St., 1996, new,see photo, aces of both sides lost in air action over France, 1916-1918, photos, 218 pgs. $15.00
WHO KILLED THE RED BARON?, Carisella & Ryan, Purnell Book Service, 1969, vg/vg, see photo, answer to the controversy covering the death of the top flying ace Baron von Richtofen, photos & illustrations, 254 pgs. $23.00
WINGED WARFARE, Bishop, William, George Arco, 1967, f/f. illustrated autobiography, photos, 272 pgs. $10.00
WINGLESS EAGLE, Johnson, Herbert, University of North Carolina, new, 2001, see photo, history of U.S. Army aviation, explores cutural, technical political & organization factors that stunted it's evolution, 298 pgs. $10.00
WITH A SMILE AND A WAVE, Daybell, Peter, Pen & Sword, 2005, new , see photo, life of Captain Aidan Liddell, VC Mc, Capt. Liddell was awarded the VC for an RES flight with No. 7 Squadron, 31 July, 1915 after transferring from the Argyll and Sutherlard Highlandess Battalion, photos, 300 pgs.. $18.00
WONDER ACES OF THE AIR, Smithers, A. J., Gordon & Cremones, 1980, f/f (as new), see scan, 12 Aces of WW I including Ball, Mannock, McCudden & Lufbery, photos, 212 pages. $12.00
YALE IN THE WORLD WAR - 2 VOLUMES, Nettleton, George Henry, Yale University Press, 1924, vg condition see scan, Volume 1 - Memorial sketches of Yale graduates died in WW I military service. 79 served in aviation 482 pgs.
Volume 2 - Individual service records of Yale alumni arranged by class. 70 served in aviation, 638 pgs.
YANKEE ACE IN THE RAF, A, Morrow & Rogers (editors), Univ. of Kansas, 1996, new,see photo, Morrow & Rogers, University Press of Kansas, 1996, f/f (as new), Story of Capt. Bogart Rogers, an American flying an RAAF SE-5, who became an ace with the 37 Sqdn.6 victories,, based on his letters to his fiance, photos, 264 pgs. $15.00
YEARS OF THE SKY KINGS, Whitehouse, Arch, Doubleday, 1959,vg/vg (tape marks on fly page). see scan, The development of air combat in WW I, with emphasis on fighter aircraft, photos, 336 pages. $12.00
YPRES: AIRFIELDS & AIRMEN, O'Connor, Mike, Leo Cooper, 2001, new, soft cover, see photo, new series on the WW I airfields & pilots, photos & maps, 192 pgs. $12.00
ZEPPELINS OVER ENGLAND, Poolman, Kenneth, Evans Brothers, vg/g (minor chipping), see scan, The German airship raids on England in WW I as told from both sides, photos, 224 pages. $20.00
ZEPPELIN OVER SUFFOLK, Mower, Mark, Pen & Sword, 2008, new, soft cover, see photo, final raid of the L48 over East Anglia in 1917, records the aftermath of this event, the crash site, sight-seers, airmen who survived, local folklore, photos, 148 pgs. $15.00

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