F World War I Aviation books, WW1,

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World War I Titles - pg. 12

SEVENTY YEARS AFTER 1914-1984, Gardam, Col. John, Canada Wings, 1983, vg (soft cover, rubbed). see scan, How Great War began, description, interviews, signed by Earl L. MacLeod, a subject of the book many photos & maps, 99 pgs. $15.00
SOMME: AIRFIELDS & AIRMEN, O'Connor, Mike, Leo Cooper, 2002, new, soft cover, see photo, new series on the WW I airfields & pilots, photos & maps, 192 pgs. $12.00
SOMME SUCCESS, Hart, Peter, Pen & Sword, 2001, f/f (as new). see scan, In the summer of 1916, the RAF controlled the sky around the Somme Battlefield. Then in September, the German AF retaliated. photos, 224 pgs. $20.00
SPAD XIII VS FOKKER D VII, Guttman, Jon, Osprey, 2009, new, soft cover, see photo, Western Front 1918, cockpit illustrations, reveal several dramatic clashes from the two foes, first hand accounts from the pilots color illustrations, 80 pgs. $13.00
SPIDER WEB, THE, Hallam, T.D. Sqdn. Leader, Nautical & Aviation, 1979, f/f see photo, account of life at Felixtfowe air station during WW I, where the author flew flying boats in search of enemy submarines, photos & maps, 278 pgs. $18.00
STORY OF THE LAFAYETTE ESCADRILLE, Thenault, Georges, Leonaur, 2010, new, soft cover, see photo, reprint of the 1921 book by the Commander of the Lafayette Escadrille, photos, 139 pgs. $15.00

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