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World War I Titles - pg. 13

UNDER THE GUNS OF THE GERMAN ACES, Franks & Giblin, Grub Street, 1997, new, see photo, profiles of the victims of Voss, Immelmann, Goering & Lothar von Richthofen, photos, 192 pgs. $10.00
UNDER THE GUNS OF THE KAISER ACES, Franks & Giblin, Grub Street, 2003, new, see photo, complete victory records of Bohme, Muller von Tutschek and Wolff, many photos, 192 pgs. $10.00
UNDER THE GUNS OF THE RED BARON, Franks, Giblin & McCrery, Grub Street, 1957, new, see photo, a minibiography of each of BaronManfred von Richthofen's 123 Allied air battle victims between September 1916 and April 1918, over 100 of the legendary German fighter ace's shoot downs are depicted in photographs, 224 pgs. $10.00
VICTORIA CROSS: WWI AIRMEN AND THEIR AIRCRAFT (Volume 1), Revell, Alex, Aeronaut, 2016, new (soft cover), see scan, updated version, story of the 19 British pilots who were awarded Britain’s highest award for valour for their heroic actions during WWI. These biographies are illustrated with 144 photos & 42 color profiles of aircraft flown by these men, including of all the aircraft flown in the Victoria Cross actions, 156 pgs. $39.95
VIVID AIR, THE, Flammer, Philip, University of Georgia Press, 2008, new, soft cover, see photo, detailed & well researched history of the 38 Americans who flew in the French Unit N-124, photos, 249 pgs. $15.00
VON RICHTHOFEN AND THE FLYING CIRCUS, Nowarra & Brown, Harleyford, 1958, vg (tape marks on fly page)/vg, see photo, story of the Flying Circus and details of von Richthofen's 80 victories, approx. 500 photos, 208 pgs. $30.00
VON RICHTHOFEN, THE LEGEND EVALUATED, Bickers, Richard Townshend, Naval Institute, 1996, as new, see photo, evaluation of Richthofen as a fighter pilot & leader in comparison with pilots, his influence on air fighting in his own time to other wars, photos, 172 pgs. $16.00
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