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World War I Titles - pg. 4

DAY THE RED BAFON DIED, Titler, Cale, Walkeer, 1970,f/f (as new), see scan, The last 2 days of Von Richthofen's life & the day after he died, photos, 329 pgs. $7.50
EAGLES HEIGHT, THE, Elliot, Robert, Air Review Limited, 1961, f/f, see photo, fictionalized account of aviation & the men of the Royal flying Corp in WW1, Bw plates of various aircraft deployed in WW1 256 pgs.$6.00
EAGLES OF THE BLACK CROSS, Musciano, Walter, Ivan Obolensky, 1965, f/f (as new), see photo, comprehensive review of German Aces of World War I including over one hundred photographs and illustrations, 301 pgs.$23.00
EARLY BIRDS OF WAR, Funderburk, Thomas R.,Grosset & Dunlap, 1968, vg/vg (minor chipping), see photo, fighter pilots & their aircraft, photos, 3 views, 156 pgs.$8.00
EISERNES KREUZ UND BALKEN KREUZ, Nowarra, Heinz, Hoffman, 1968, f/f (as new), see photo, German & English text, markings & camouflage systems of Luftwaffe aircraft of WW I, photos and color plates, example, 159 pgs. $25.00

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