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World War I Titles - pg. 2

BILLY BISHOP, CANADIAN HERO, McCaffery, Dan, James Lorimer & Co., 2002, new, soft cover, see photo, shot down a total of 75 confirmed victories (72 planes and 3 German balloons), he broke the records of other prominent fighter pilots, based on new and previously untapped interviews with comrades and extensive readings, photos, 239 pgs. (Hardcover f/f - $12.50)) $10.00
BLACK CAT SQUADRON, Wynn, Humphrey, Smithsonian, 1989, f/f (as new), see photo, night bombing in WW I, story of 2/Lt. Leslie Blacking, a nineteen-year-old pilot sent to serve with the 207 Squadron on the Western Front during the summer of 1918, 239 pgs. $16.00
BRAVE YOUNG WINGS, Dodds, Ronald, Canada's Wings, 1980, f/f, see scan, Canadian airmen in World War I, not justthe famous fighter pilots, but the not so famous ones, the bomber pilots & zeppelin chasers, photos, 302 pages. $20.00
BRIEF GLORY, Revell, Alex, Pen & Sword, 2010, new, see photo, life of Arthur Rhyys Davids, a popular British ace who flew with No. 56 Squadron & was the victor over German ace Warner Voss, photos, 222 pgs. $22.00
BRITISH AIRCRAFT OF WW I - Volume 1, Owers, Colin, Aeronaut, 2017, new (soft cover), see scan, British experimental fighters Part 1, documents 9 interesting British experimental fighters in detail , photos, scale drawings, and color profiles. The aircraft covered are the Austin Osprey, Boulton & Paul Bobolink, Nieuport B.N.1, Sopwith Snipe, Vickers F.B.16 series, Bristol M.R.1, Westland N.1B, and Westland Weasel, 133 photographs, 33 color profiles, 12 color top views, and scale drawings of 9 aircraft types, 154 pgs. $32.00
BRITISH SINGLE-SEATER FIGHTER SQUADRONS ON THE WESTER FRONT IN WORLD WAR I, Revell, Alex, Schiffer, 2006, f/f (as new, oversized), see scan, the story of the single-seater fighter operations over the Western Front flown by the fighter pilots of Great Britain and her Commonwealth. Along with their opposite numbers from Germany & her allies, these pilots of the Royal Flying Corps, the Royal Naval Air Service and later, the Royal Air Force, were the world's first fighter pilots. mzny photos, 366 pgs. $60.00

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