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Pioneer Titles - pg. 6

SIKORSKY VS-44 FLYING BOAT, Pember, Harry, Flying Machines Press, 1998, as new, soft cover, see photo, design , constuction & operation of the Sikorsky VS -44 4 - engine flying boat in the late 1930's , their use includes in Antilles Air boats, under Charles & Maureen O ' Hara - Blaid , the restoration of the surviving example, photos, line drawings & color plates, 71 pgs. $6.00
TAKING FLIGHT, Maxim, Paul, Wairarapa, NZ, 2003, fine (soft cover), see scan, Percy Fisher who built & flew the first airplane in New Zealand in 1913, photos, 76 pages. $17.50
TAKING FLIGHT, Hallion, Richard, Oxford Press, 2003, new, see photo, a ground-breaking & comprehensive new history of flight, stressing its global roots, follows its pre-history, early attempts by pioneers to invent the aeroplane, the impact of air power on the outcome of World War I & finally considers the effects of flight on world affairs, both military and civil, photos & diagrams, 531 pgs. $10.00
THEY FLEW THE ATLANTIC, de la Croix, Robert, Frederick Muller, 1969, vg/vg, see scan, a record of the twenty years it took to prove the Atlantic could be an air traffic lane, this has its start in 1910 & carries on to pre-World War II days. photos, 225 pgs. $28.00
TRAIL BLAZERS OF THE AIR, Tennant, Kylie, Macmillan, 1965, vg/vg (chipped), see scan, Australia pioneer aviators such as Kingford-Smith Taylor & Hinkler, illustrations, 131 pages. $12.00
UNCHARTED SKIES, Henry, Walter, Canadian Bush Pilot Project, f/f, see scan, the personal adventures of 25 Canadian bush pilots, photos, 191 pgs. $16.00
VAGABONDS OF THE SKY McAllister, Bruce, Roundup Press, 2004, new, soft cover, see photo, photographic history of America's barnstorming pilots & daredevils, 151 pgs. $6.00
WILBUR & ORVILLE WRIGHT: A CHRONOLOGY, Renstrom, Arthur, GPO, 1975, fine (soft cover). see scan, A detailed chronology of the brothers flight logs. Fascinating. Includes an index of persons, institutions & geographic names to 'facilitate use of the chronology'234 PGS. $15.00
WILEY POST, HIS WINNIE MAE AND THE WORLD'S FIRST PRESSURE SUIT, Mohler & Johnson, Smithsonian, 1971, good (soft cover), see scan, Post's flying career & his contributio to the first pressure suit, photos, 127 pgs. $6.00
WINGS ACROSS THE TASMAN, Jillett, Leslie, Reed, 1953, vg/vg (minor chipping), see scan, Covers 25 years if flights across the Tasman Sea (1200 miles) since Kingsford-Smith's pioneering flight, Sept. 1928, photos, 199 pages. $30.00
WINGS OF MADNESS Hoffman, Paul, Hyperion, 2003, new, see scan, Alberto Santos-Dumont and the Invention of Flight, introduces the dashing inventor who entertained Paris with his airborne antics - barhopping in a little dirigible that he tied to lamp posts, circling around the Eiffel Tower & crashing into rooftops, a glimpse into the mind of an extraordinary & tormented man that also vividly depicts the sights and sounds of turn-of-the-century Paris, photos, 369 pgs. $12.95
WINGS OVER THE MEXICAN BORDER, Ragsdale, Kenneth, University of Texas, 1984, f/f (as new), see scan. The aerial border patrol ( Rio Grande) during the 1920s, 30s & 40s, photos, 266 pgs. $25.00

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